| - The end of summerlicious kinda marks the beginning of the end. Like Winter Solstice marks the middle of winter, the end of 'lish marks the dog days of summer and the thoughts of the fall starts to enter into the equation and is just over the horizon. This year Far Niente closes out a mediocre 'lish season.
Far Niente tries hard, and I'm sure wishes itself to be considered amongst the elite in Toronto fine dinning, but it's a bit "far" fetching. Don't get me wrong, there's no one thing that I can pinpoint that would make this place a bad experience, just the opposite, it's a nice experience, but just not very noteworthy. The service is good, food is good, its got the fine dinning feel to it, but it lacks a certain something that makes me think "far out" when it comes to a fine dining place. Maybe it's just because there are so many other better options in Toronto. It's like a pretty girl saddled in a room full of other hotties and she just doesn't stand out.
It's also hard to judge a place by it's summerlicious menu, but there was absolutely nothing wrong with my Seafood gazpacho, rare tuna, and quite enjoyed the Angel food cake. It was all nicely executed, but if I were not to document this right away, I won't remember what I had in another 3 or 4 hours.
Good experience? Yes? Most amazing meal of my life? A bit Far fetching.