My wife took me here last night for my first time and her second. The establishment was filled with middle eastern folks so it must be good right? We placed our order and then waited for about 20 minutes to get it. We stood in the back of the place waiting and then finally moved outside to watch as the young man made the crepes. As we were sitting I noticed a female employee who was. Asking drinks and delivering orders inside and out of the place, with no hair net or hat to hold her long hair back. She constantly moved her hair back with her hands and or would touch her face and then go back to what she was doing. Never wore gloves nor washed her hands after touching her face or hair or even when she would go in and out of the front door, grabbing the handle. Occasionally she would wipe her fingers on a white towel but gross.
I'm not so sure this is a place I would want to come back to until she reapplies for a food handlers card.