This is not the facility you want to visit if you have a mobility issue. EVER!!!!!
I visited the venue today for the Home and Garden Show. It was senior day. Let me repeat that it was senior day.
Arrived about 20 minutes before the show started and was directed to park at the end of building 4. Not a problem I thought because I will be tired and limping by the time I visit all four buildings and I can walk right out the door to my car.
Now the first hurdle .... I was directed that the ticket counter at entrance was at the far end about 400 yards away. I sucked it up and hobbled to that area paid for my ticket and entered. Still figured by the end I could walk right to my car and rest my leg and back
The inside of all four units was very nice laid out well and the vendors were all very pleasant and not pushy.
Took my time visited all four buildings, took a while but was well worth it. Finally arrived at my exit door and was politely told that the only exit, except for vendors was back the way I came. I explained that I was having trouble walking but was politely told no way it was back the way i came, no exceptions
So I walked back to the entrance and the 400 yards to my car limping and in pain the entire way. I was in good company however as I was with a group of about 15 seniors all of whom were very steamed about the same situation.
While I love the venue and would love to return mobility issues will prevent me from doing so and since the venue only seems to favor the folks with no mobility issues
While I was just limping along I really felt sorry for some of the folks with canes who were really having a rough go