Another episode of ripoff city. Nothing is cooked to order, so everything is just sitting in their pans and the meat did not look very appetizing, so i opted for shrimp. The first choice is rice or rice noodles, but the noodles are the cheap white version, not the excellent Singapore style that they should be using. So, they put a boat load of white rice on bottom of plastic bowl (to stay) and then for about $10 bucks, I would have gotten four medium sized shrimps. After that, it was a medley of what looked like two frozen veggies choices and some standard sauces (those should be grilled with the meat). The concept seems like a Mongolian grill without the grill part and the good value. I never made it down the line because I don't get taken to the Scottsdale cleaners, everyone else does. Skip this pretender unless your one of "those" born every minute.