| - I have a hard time figuring out how some of these reviews relate to the show that we saw.
I have no idea on the food as we did not dine, I'm only addressing the show.
First of all, start time was supposedly 8pm but they didn't open the doors until several minutes past this point and the show itself didn't start until 8:55pm--a longer wait than the actual show. (The website says 70 minutes--it wasn't.)
They had a cast of 8--one guy on a stringed instrument (who sang a bit), one guy on percussion, one Elvis-style singer (I find "impersonator" too strong a word), one female singer with an obvious and not very good boob job, two male "dancers" and two female dancers, one of which is nowhere near the expected looks of even a B-list Vegas showgirl.
I put the male "dancers" in quotes because they do far more jumping and thumping than anything I would remotely call dancing. The women are actually doing Polynesian dancing--lots of hand gestures, lots of booty-shaking, nothing remotely acrobatic. The dancers are off-stage far longer than would be needed for costume changes, there is no set to change, no props beyond what people have in their hands.
Attire for the men is generally fabric hanging down in front and back or something roughly approximating a grass skirt (the primary covering being a bunch of pieces hanging down), attire for the women is generally a fancy but pretty well-covering top piece, normally a bare belly and usually something in the grass-skirt genre down below.
The men sometimes had sticks, sometimes spinning them, the women sometimes had more flexible things to spin. No hula-hoops.
The music was **way** to loud--I could understand that if the audience were 20-somethings but few there looked to be less than 40.
By Vegas standards this had the heat of an ice cube.