I wanted this to be amazing. We bought Groupons and it cost us $60 total. I don't feel it was worth it.
1. You travel through the experience in a large group. We had 27 in ours. This makes it hard to explore each room as you have a time limit and need to move on to allow the group behind you to enter.
2. It should be updated. With so many new Avenger films, the latest addition looks to be Ant-Man. Some of the sections were old and you can see the wear and tear.
3. At the end you exit on an escalator and find yourself in yet another line (after waiting to buy tickets & waiting to get a photo at the beginning & waiting to go up with your group in a very HOT elevator) to have someone sell you your photo you took at the beginning. For $19.95 you can keep the image. In addition our package came with the Agent ID Card ($15) and it resembles something out of a Chuck E Cheese quarter game that makes fake drivers licenses. Same quality too.
If someone buys you tickets or they are cheap to you - then go. Otherwise spend the money watching the movies.