I would say that in general I am a lover of fresh fruits & vegetables. I made a conscious decision to start honoring my body so I cut out high fat foods like fries, hamburgers, hot dogs & ribs. *Ouch* and began to eat more whole grains, vegetables, fruits, chicken turkey and fish. Fresh vegetables & fruit is a must and a treat, especially when you can have a conversation with the person responsible for it's growth. I can't call any of the vendors by name and they may not recognize me as a regular but my Foursquare checkins would confirm that I'm there more than the average visitor.
I also love plants CACTUS and SUCCULENTS yes! *Controlled Emotional Response* So naturally the greenery Shed is a +Plus one. The addition of the Craft Barn confuses me though ... but hey if that's your thing, knock yourself out. I'm too scared to even walk in the building.
Support a local farmer, home grown *wait ... that doesn't sound right*