I came from the east side of town were they had the little taco stands in every corner.. So moving to this side of town, I was disappointed to find that there isn't a taco place that screams out "hey! Try these street tacos" so when I found out that they were opening this taco bar I was excited I thought it was going to be my taco place.. Well when I finally did go.. I was disappointed in the price, the taste, and wrong order.. First the they are very expensive!!! I payed 30$for 2 burritos and 4 tacos with 2 drinks.. I usually pay around 22$ and that's with a few more tacos and drinks added to that.. Second it didn't taste like real Mexican street tacos and the burrito a were super thin!! They look like I could go make them at home.. The beans tasted like the ones you buy in the can... I wanted rice with my burrito aswell and they did not add it to it.. I mean a really good mexican bar would add rice and beans in their burritos! No one or the other especially for $7+ .. I wasn't impressed... Now I'm stuck driving back to the east side for good tacos..