| - Trader Vic's is all about quality cocktails, and this location doesn't least much. My first choice was a Raffles Bar Gin Sling, which they couldn't do. I've had this same problem before, TV's needs to remove the drink from the menu if none of the locations stock the necessary ingredients. Instead I had a Scorpion, followed by a Samoan Fog Cutter. The Scorpion was great, the Samoan Fog Cutter had too much ice and the ice was too tightly packed. I've had the drink before, so I know it calls for a lot of ice, but if you can barely get your straw in the drink then it's a problem. I tried other drinks in the group and they were all good. The Mai Tai, Trader Vic's Sling, Suffering Bastard.. It's just that my Samoan Fog Cutter could've been better, and it's annoying that they couldn't do the Raffles Bar Gin Sling.
We were there on a Saturday afternoon so none of the classic drinks were on Happy Hour. And we had come from another restaurant, so we weren't really that hungry. We did get a couple items from the HH menu, I think we got the "Crispy Calamari", "Tomato Basil Bruschetta", and "Crispy Chicken". These were all fine considering the $1-3 price tag. The Bruschetta wasn't that impressive, but it was only $1, c'mon people.
To sum up, Trader Vic's Scottsdale is a great spot. Would be even better during the weekday HH when most of the specialty drinks go down to $6 each. The location inside of Hotel Valley Ho is also appropriate, fits the TV aesthetic perfectly.