Make an appointment!!! All you have to do is go to At the top right of the website page click on appointments. You put in your cell phone number & select a day/time to make an appointment. You can make a same day appointment.
I made a same day appointment & arrived 15 minutes early. There was a line going outside the building for the main check in. Fortunately I didn't have to wait in that line because there's a separate line just for those who made appointments! I only had one person in front of me in that appointment line.
When I checked in, there I received the application to fill out. Yet I didn't even have time to fill it out because from the time I sat down it wasn't more than 2 minutes later that my phone number was called!
A very helpful, friendly woman at #11 helped me and again within just minutes all my paperwork was done. It probably helped that I had all the paperwork done.
I went to get my name changed and get the 'Real ID' license. I needed my drivers license, social security card, marriage certificate, and 2 forms proving your residence which is simply to prove you live at your new address. The 'Real ID ' is not the same as the standard ID. From what I understood, the standard ID expires by 2020 and the Real ID does not.
I literally walked into the DMV at 1:30pm and was done and got in my car at 1:50pm!!