Why would anyone think that being force-fed BLARING-LOUD electronic music on a Sunday night is a good accompaniment to a nice sit down sushi dinner? I am far from an old fogie; I'm in my early 30s and I live in L.A., so it's not like I haven't had my fair share of nights out, but this was ridiculous. UNCE-UNCE-POW-WAAARRRNNN-UMPH-UMPH for an hour as I shouted at the waiter and screamed at my family in an attempt to make natural conversation. When I reluctantly became "that guy" and asked the waiter if they could turn the clearly too loud pounding techno down, he did his best, but I was informed that "there was a DJ here tonight" - to be fair they did turn it down to almost-acceptable limits but it crept back up to deafening. Just bad. Who wants a PA speaker dubstep over sushi? I guess the food was pretty good.