The most boring place ever. Slow inattentive service and very blah food. It's always quiet yet 3 servers will plod around doing next to nothing and never make eye contact so it's near impossible to get their attention.
Usually vegetarian restaurants have edible food but this place relies on processed soy products, the food is bland and I feel nauseous every time I finish eating there. Despite all of the choices listed on the menu, everything tastes the same. I've been there 5 times and the only reason is because some friend of mine will walk by and ask if we can go in, so I go along with it to be polite. After this last time, I won't return for anyone's sake.
It's a shame because it's a nice space and looks clean. I hate to add one more negative to it all, but the tables are very uncomfortable as they don't leave enough room to cross your legs under the table. I seldom hate a place, but I'd go anywhere but here.