| - After researching for a few months, for a chiropractor - I needed a different approach to my long list of challenges (fibromyalgia, herniated discs, etc.) I found Dr. Nardone's Office. Not only is she the ultimate professional, along with her esteemed staff, but she IS knowledgeable. Dr. Nardone gently suggested that I try this regime to help me with my muscular pain, insomnia and FM; at first a sceptic, I persevered, changing one's life long nutrition habits and so on is not an easy task, but I am now on my path, at MY rhythm of truly taking care of me. Then Dr. Nardone introduced me to the infrared body wrap treatment! I was already appreciating Dr. Nardone's gentle chiro treatments, but now that I have started these latest treatments, getting adjusted is outright less painful and I get better results. I know I will be signing up for more of these infrared body wraps!
My road to getting to my optimum health and weight is a long one, I am no fool, HOWEVER, with the very caring, intelligent, knowledgeable and patient guidance from Dr. Nardone I will prevail with this most important mission of mine. I have already noticed a difference in several aspects of my health challenges: I wake up less exhausted, with less pain, I function much better during the day, and find myself falling asleep much faster as well. I have finally started on my second phase of getting healthier: that is working on my gentle yoga classes, working out on my elliptical and working hard on my new approach to an even healthier regime!
It is hard in our world of chaos, greed, overload of promotions to find genuine doctors still very much interested in not only helping in the healing aspect of one's being but to find a doctor and staff that are indisputably keen to listen and guide you one personal goals of health and healing!