Deserves its place at the bottom of your Yellow pages listing for Pizza. Wishing it were "ZZZ Pizza".
--slices on display better suited for a museum of ancient antiquity;
--a FRESHLY made pizza (oh HELL, you didn't think I was gonna let you serve me that faded crap I coulda found in the corner of my little brother's dorm room, did you?!!!), two beers and a small salad for $50???!!! several four letter words come to mind, just for you.
--finished dough little better than a microwaved Starbuck's panini.
--greasy crust wishes it could rise to deserve a Peter Piper Pizza box.
--BLARING commercial TV (yes, that means commercials) invades your attempt at conversation while...
--staff stand idly doing nothing.
--unclean restrooms make you wonder how clean the kitchen is.
shame on all of you (no, not you, YOU. yeah you know who you are) who told me I _have_ to try Z Pizza: you really need to try this great restaurant nearby called "Diamonds".