The views from the top are stunning while at the Clark County Shooting Range. Especially as the sun is setting and the lights come up. You are up on the hill surrounded by scenic desert scape and looking down upon the entire valley. You can see even the far reaches of Henderson well to the south from up there. It is a gorgeous place to visit. And it just so happens to come with thrill of shooting. There is a shot gun (trap and skeet) center on the way up. Your sporting clays are sent sailing with just the utterance of "pull." You can rent shot guns there if you do not have one of your own. Tough to beat. On up the hill to the rifle and pistol center where the views are. You have three maximum distance options to shoot including the longest of 200 yards for your riflemen and expert marksmen. Plus there are distances closer for you to place your targets if you are newer to the sport or firing less powerful handguns/revolvers. It is your choice where you want to place your target during a cease fire session. These are safe and controlled breaks from the shooting that allow people to adjust and reset their targets. During this time you are not allowed to touch or even go near your firearms. It is closely supervised. Upon the signal of "all clear," shooting begins again for a timed session during which time you are not allowed to cross the line towards your target. You must stay back and wait. Herein lies the real problem with this place. It is so controlled that the freedom of shooting in an open place is hindered. If you are done shooting and ready to go home, you cannot. You have to pack up what you can then wait for the cease fire before collecting the target. It makes for a slow experience. With the low price, the safe and controlled nature of the park, and the views, the slowness is forgiven.