| - This review is for the casino and the areas around it, I've never stayed in the rooms.
If you're looking for vintage Vegas, this is it. Be prepared: it's got a funky talcum powder smell (I presume to mask smoke), the interior is bathed in a golden yellow sepia-esque tint, and it's a bit small by comparison to modern day casinos. But, if you can live with (or even like) those things, then the El Cortez will be a treat for you. On the gaming front, they even have coin operated slots and video poker towards the back. Retro cool, man.
There are a few bars to take advantage of: the main bar is always good, but if you want that retro Vegas feeling, there's a lounge toward the table games you should check out. It's got the leather and dark wood thing going on. The third bar back by the keno is also an option, it's more open than the other two, but gets a cool afternoon glow during the summer months.
Food-wise you can order at Siegel's which is a solid choice, or try Pizza Lotto by the keno. The Pizza is pretty solid, and you can do whole pie or by the slice. If you're more into sandwiches and chain dining, there's a Subway on the north corner, near Ogden and 6th.