| - I can't believe the other reviewers are talking about the same place we visited today when they rate this store anything over 1 star. The store was filthy. Many of the dresses were stained, smelly, and old. The style being pushed, and I do mean pushed, debuted in 2013. When we called to schedule our appointment, we were told they were swamped but after a 5 minutes hold we were told to come in at 330. We arrived at 3. That store was complete and absolutely empty the entire hour and 45 minutes we were there. The phone never even rang. The store has not been updated at all since the 90s when it was originally put in by the look of it. Cheap, worn, old carpet, decorations, lighting, and furniture. Our managing consultant, Renee, was pushier than ANY used car salesman on the planet , in your face every second telling us to just 'pull the trigger', no one else's opinion matterred, and how frustrated and angry she was this past Saturday when a bride decided she needed the opinion of her bridesmaids before buying the dress after renee spent a couple hours with her. I literally felt physically ill from the pressure and stress she bombarded us with. As the issue of alterations came up, she told us the seamstress affiliated with PB would ' do anything for money.' That is a direct quote! The waist alteration at issue was roughly $150 we were then told. Alterations are NOT INCLUDED at all for any fix. We made it clear we were leaving without purchasing a dress then the deals started coming fast and furious! '10% TODAY only!' If you don't call by 8 pm, the deal's off! We didn't bite. Then it was 15% off if we bought bridesmaid dresses TODAY, 8 pm was the deadline. Tomorrow was too late! No deal's for you! we never even thought of that today! That didn't get us either, last ditch effort was ,'dresses get discontinued all the time and I have no way to let you know, better buy it today!' Desperate beyond belief and nonsensical as, really, you don't have our email and phone number?? PLEASE ladies, caveat emptor!