| - Four stars for this terminal. It's easy to find, easy to park. Rental cars must be accessed via shuttle which is a pain, but the folks that drive the busses have always been so nice I can't really complain. Once inside, TSA seems remarkably professional and polite here, considering the amount of still - drunk passengers they have to process. There is a pre-check line, though it doesn't seem to be used much. The airport is spacious and light and, again, remarkably clean considering the traffic it sees. Power is available, but not every where. Check beneath the seats. Some gates have it. Some gates dont. The shops are horrid and the available food is so-so. I'm not a fan of the slot machines throughout the terminal, but at least they have been quiet the past couple times I've been through. The shops and the slots lead me to remove two stars from the rating, but the fact that there are no wretched TV monitors blaring mindless crap at everyone, and the addition of some art (sculptures and paintings) earns back one of those stars. It's not San Diego, but it's not too bad, considering.