This place is like my favorite aunt. She may not be the prettiest or richest and she may not even be the best cook, but she's always there for you and sure knows how to make you feel good.
When you show up to her house, make sure you arrive full, because you definitely don't want to eat her cooking. She may have two kitchens, but she doesn't know how to use them. But that's okay because she tries.
She knows how to get you socks, underwear, and all your wardrobe essentials for cheap. She does have some unusual guests over that harass you while you explore her house (read: crazy kiosk people), but you have to take the good with the bad.
Every now and then she shows up with something really stylish and you wonder, "where did she get that? I want one!" (Usually at Van Heusen, Perry Ellis, or Calvin Klein. Just saying.)