The phrase, "Don't hate the player, hate the game" is so appropriate for this place. I didn't know how I'd feel about going into a walk-in animal clinic (the game) that doesn't accept appointments. After all, I took my cats to the Ritz Carlton of animal clinics in Chicago that delivered amazing care and service (and I have the bills to prove it...gulp). Anyway, I arrived at Gateway at 10:07am (they open at 10am). I was 28th in line. Yep, #28. Out of those 28 pets in line only 3 were cats. Why do cats get the shaft? Anyway, the facility is old and run down a bit (that's why they are expanding down the road into a new facility). They took us back into an "exam area" that had 3 tables. No private rooms here. All out in the open. Not a fan of that. We ended up with Dr. Bob Litkovitz (the player). He was very thorough and the vet tech was very good with my cat. I have to give him two thumbs up because when he said he would call me to give me the blood test results and follow up with me, he promptly did so. I appreciated it. And he remembered I was flying out of town that day and even asked where I was going. Overall, a very good experience, but I think I like an animal clinic that takes appointments and that doesn't feel like an unemployment office. Hated the game of a walk-in clinic but LOVED the player, Dr. Bob.