I saw an amazing Groupon for Dysport featuring it for about half the price I normally pay. I'm a Dysport junkie all the way.
Before purchasing, I did some due diligence by calling the practice and inquiring how long Dr. Newman had been doing the procedure. The woman who I spoke with was very nice and answered all my questions to my satisfaction. I called back and scheduled an appointment and the second woman was quite snappy and rude. Upon check in - same thing. She didn't make much eye contact and appeared grouchy. It appeared she would rather be doing anything else besides greeting me. Not someone I would want to have working the front. It seems like a family run place so maybe it is his mother? Not sure.
So I was taken back and Dr. Newman's brother took photos and was very nice and made me feel welcome. Then they checked my eyes (I'm assuming to maybe get new patients) and then gave me a folder with several brochures for other cosmetic procedures for the face and eyes. There was no pressure, more of a "here's what else we do" kind of thing. Then Dr. Newman came in.
He was quick and the way he injects is virtually painless. I was very surprised and actually happy they initially gave me ice to numb but I didn't need it at all.
I'm very happy and wish I had purchased more Groupons as I will definitely go back if he has another deal. Even though it's a little far from my house, I will probably go back the next time I need glasses too. He's got the latest and greatest eye machines.
Five days later, my eyes and forehead look fantastic. He put the injections in a different spots (all over my forehead) instead of at my hairline and eyebrows which I was used to. The effect I think is better. My eyebrows still lift which looks more natural, but nothing else! I would highly recommend him and Dysport!