Pros: I got an appointment really quickly, the lady was nice (owner), the extensions matched my hair perfectly and they looked pretty nice.
Cons: She didn't tell me until we were finished, that the cost to put in tape in extensions was $350, which if you've had them done, you'd know it is extremely easy to do. I was shocked. So I ended up paying $800. She also swore it wouldn't mess with my hair and I wouldn't lose a bunch of hair. Just found out that's not true. I had them taken out yesterday so I can get them moved up and put back in today, and my hair feels so thin now! My ponytail is so tiny it's like a babies ponytail. I feel so sad and mad about it! I would've just gotten clip in extensions if she was honest and upfront about it! Also, tape ins are annoying. They're itchy when they're close to your head, when you brush your hair a lot of hair comes out and when they start to grow out they poke through your hair. I want to keep them out, but now I feel so self conscious about how thin my hair is because of the extensions.