My cousin & I were visiting family in Vegas but wanted a spa day so we went to get the yam & pumpkin enzyme peel facial since I was breaking out pretty badly, even makeup wouldn't hide it. The extractions hurt like hell! It was worth it though. The next day my face cleared up and was soft and glowing. Everyone in my family complimented on my skin saying I have such nice skin. I kept telling them because I got a facial the day before and if they saw me yesterday they wouldn't have said the same thing. It stayed like that for 2 weeks until I decided to be lazy and not wash my face at night for a few days and broke out again. Got another facial in my city and it didn't clear my skin the next day like this place. :(
Also got the eyelash perm which didn't turn out too good. My cousin had a different lady do hers, but hers turned out amazing. Mine went straight in a week or two, but they were never curly after the perm to begin with. Paid $30 for them.