I went in there this past thursday. 4 stars to this place for always having what you want.
I'm subtracting 3 stars because of one of their shtty workers. He checked me out on terminal 592 at 1:48 on 7/10/2014 (this info is for the manager of the store in the event that he'd/she'd like to check on which worker I'm referring to). I had a screw driver, some screws, and a roll of gaffing tape. After he gave me the total, I decided I didn't want to pay the $26 for the tape roll. He gave me the biggest sigh and said "are you kidding me? god damn it. jesus." I honestly could not believe this guy. Whoops! My bad. Is voiding out a line item the end of your world? What a complete mother effer.
Side note... I wonder what the limit of profanity on yelp is...
Anyways, that's all. If I didn't have such an awesome ahead of me at the time, the experience would have surely put a damper on my mood. This guy needs to be fired.
1 star.