I love the fact that it's kitty corner from a Starbucks and still holds it's own.
I'll be honest, I have never taken an offered cooking class, bought that many items at the marketplace or hung out for the atmosphere...
...but I do partake in the coffee bar and love it. I always avoid the temptation of their amazingly wonderful looking morning eats and sweets, and I don't know how I continue to resist.
I get my Chai Tea Latte or my sugar with coffee and cream (just like Mike D.) and head into work. I love the vintage fun feel you get and the neighborhood environment is nifty.
I guess I need to expand and try one of their cooking classes or at least hang out and give the atmosphere a chance to sink in.
Though it doesn't have the drive through like the Starbucks I mentioned earlier, it does have a pretty fast moving coffee bar set up and barista. Even if I am running tight for work, I still take the time to park, get off my tush and walk into Luci's because it really does help brighten my day... and walking off with their cute blue and orange to go cup reminds you to smile as you walk into the office.