| - Throughout the years, I've had a lot of experience with this place. It had its ups and downs, but mostly we've received positive service from here. My wife and I come here pretty frequently and they've accommodated us to our satisfaction.
I purchased a convection oven a while back. Noticed a dent, so I returned it. Received a new one, but the door didn't close, so I returned it. Received another new one and was happy with it. The process for the pick-up of each one I received was frustrating at times. The order was under my name, but the payment was under my wife's name. I forgot my ID one time, so they wouldn't give it to me or to my wife, despite the fact she paid for it and had the payment card with her for proof. They had some kind of explanation for it, but it was annoying to deal with.
My wife has encountered some not-so-smart associates at check-out. Once, she was told she needed our rewards card and they couldn't pull up the rewards information by phone number because the line was too long and too many people were waiting....which is the biggest BS you can tell a loyal Best Buy customer. My wife rolled her eyes, bought the item, and went straight to customer service to let them know what was going on at the check out lines. It wasn't a big deal about the rewards, 'cause you can input the number on your receipt later on a computer, but it was the excuse she was given because someone was being lazy.
We've had big and small purchase here and they've either been average or exceptional. If there wasn't anyone nearby a department we're interested in, we just looked for someone. They're all usually very helpful.