We had the hardest time finding the entrance to imperial palace with all the construction going on, but after walking around in circles, we finally found it!! This show was definitely very interesting! It was a good show and worth seeing at least once. I wouldn't mind seeing it again though. Some of the impersonators were awesome! I gotta give a big applause to Madonna and Cher... and Whitney Houston too- they pulled off the looks pretty good. However, Beyonce's impersonator was one of my favorites... the tits and ass and knocking down the other dancers was pretty funny. There was one part where one of the 'impersonator' takes off makeup/wig/dress and turns into a dude... That was really neat. I was just surprised at how good he looked as a woman, and then all of the sudden... bam, he's a dude! He had some nice curves and a nice ass as a women though! lol.