As I walked by one of the manquins outfits caught my eyes. I love this store too. They make feeling comfortable look so easy and cool. Their prices are absolutely reasonable too. I love the feel of their clothing it is so soft that it only gets better with time. They were not too busy and seemed too attentive to my needs. I had three different ladies ask me to put items in the fitting room. The atmosphere of the store was not as laid back as usual but all of the sales crew were friendly.
The fresh take that Anthropologie conveys with their clothes was way to casual for what I was looking for. I did find a shirt was the 30 percent off that I can pair with a blazer. I have to wear heels so none of what their offering in clothing for would work this time. When I did end of paying for my shirt it did not come up with the discount, so naturally I asked her why. They did have to go get one from the back room which I happily fetched to make their job easier. This sanfu seemed to make for negativity of the cashiers and crew of the store but I did get the discount and my new shirt.