I love this place, sure its kinda creepy and in the middle of an odd office complex but DAMN those donut holes chocolate cake not the glazed ones are good! Not to mention the NINJA BOWLS!! Good God get the Sizzling ninja, top that off with a fried egg, and pineapple, get healthy with some brown rice and white chicken and then DRENCH that bowl with NINJA SAUCE AND SRIRACHA (which comes standard btw) AMAZING! Don't waste your life away without having one of these ninja bowls at this donut shop, i never thought i would be able to say that statement with a straight face but i did! And for those wondering they don't serve pirates (some will understand this fact) Also if you come back a few times they might throw some free donut holes at YOUR FACE LIKE NINJA STARS!! I joke they don't throw them but you may get some for free (really though)!