I've been in several times for the regular foot and back massage which is a very good value, but I just had the Thai massage for the first time. It was great. My back was a little tweaked and I thought this will fix or kill me. Did I mention it was great?
When I arrived at my appointed time they gave me a locker and a pair of brown pajamas. After I changed they took me back to the massage room where I took off my shoes and they had a tub of hot water to soak your feet in before the massage. Once your feet dry, you're ready for the massage to start.
The massage is done on a pad on the floor with the therapist at the same level as you are. This seems to give them better leverage and access to your muscles. My therapist used her thumbs, hands, elbows, knees, and feet to great effect. Not only needing the muscles, but stretching them to release tension. My therapist did a great job of releasing the areas around the tweaked area before starting to work on it. I went through the entire session with the tweak slowly fading away.
I've been getting massages on a regular basis for years. I was really impressed with the level of release and relaxation that resulted from this massage. I'm very impressed and I can't wait for the next one.