Visited this casino recently. I played the machines and ate at the buffet. Machines are'll
Hit bonuses and decent return...but I'll have to test it some more...I lived in Hawaii (Kauai) for 3 years due to work...California Hotel has Hawaii people all over and Mahalo signs everywhere. The workers uniform are the same you would see in Hawaii with the flowers and everything. They should not call it California Hotel..should be called Hawaii Hotel...nothing in this hotel/casino says California...not even the food...saimin and loco moco are pretty popular in Hawaii and it's in their menu...Not in if you don't already know...some or more than half of born and raised in Hawaii people...not really in the "Mainland" type people or's hard to explain unless you have live in Hawaii and actually really hang out and really understand the'll get what I'm saying if you live there but NOT born I said kind of hard to explain without being I'll leave it at that..but yeah...California Hotel/Casino should change its name to Mahalo Hotel or Aloha Hotel...Hawaii Hotel maybe?!? Just don't see "California" in there and I have lived in California for 20 years...anyway, it's not a bad casino...decent...not big...but it'll wife was doing good in one of the machines "Volcano Quick Hit" until WTF machine started malfunctioning and a technician came and opened the machine and I guess "Fixed" wife couldn't hit not even a bonus after that...WTF!! that was not cool..don't no body wants their machine mess with especially when you're doing good...we didn't like that..thought we were gonna hit the jackpot for this machine was really giving bonuses after bonuses...then this guy comes..machine went cold...we left...anyway it's my first impression of this casino and I don't know if I'm gonna go back..we see..