| - My go-to grocery spot for essentials.
This Walmart Neighborhood Market is open twenty-four hours a day, and it's only about a mile from my house, so it's a perfect spot to get in, get what I need when I need it, and get out. (And it's close enough to walk, making it a good motivation to get some cardio in.)
It's like a grocery store and a Walmart had a baby, so it's got pretty much everything you need, with the low prices only a big box kinda place like Walmart can provide. As a few of the other reviews note, the selection can be limited in certain areas like the bakery or frozen foods, but all the main essentials are there. There's a small deli counter in the back corner with the bakery, and the hot foods they put out like pizza slices or rotisserie chickens are pretty on point. They even have decent baby back ribs.
The staff is great, helpful and friendly. I guess it doesn't hurt that most of them see me in there like every day, but still.