Safeway is less congested than Fry's, so I usually come here to quickly grab what I need and go. Prices are a little higher, but they do have a great selection.
What I've noticed here lately is issues between customers and the store manager (don't recall his name). Trust me, I'm not being a jerk when I say his attitude absolutely sucks. It's as if he doesn't want to be there dealing with customers. Wrong field of work, dude... the eye-rolling, the sighing, the exasperated look on his face when he has to provide any type of customer service or an override are all evident. I get it. I've worked in retail before and serving customers can be difficult, but come on! At least act like you care.
I won't let anybody's attitude keep me from shopping where I want, but I'm also not gonna put up with any crap from Safeway's staff, MANAGER OR NOT. I have no problem with taking my business elsewhere if it comes to that.