| - Tao was the first nightclub I had ever been to in Vegas sooo of course I thought it was awesome!! Now that I have been to Vegas a couple more times, though, I will admit that Tao is not one of my favourite places to go.
However, I still think it's a greaaaat place to go if you're going with a big group of boys + girls because guys can get in for free as long as there is an even ratio :) !! With all the money you're already spending in Vegas... of course you're gonna want to try to cut down the costs. I feel like most the promoters I know in Vegas work for the Tao Group, and so they can ALWAYS set you up here :)
Once you get in through a promoter, girls also get free drinks for an hour -- sweet! This is usually during 10 30 to 11 30 or 10 to 11... I'm not sure! You can only get one drink at once, so what my girl friends and I did was just get a bunch of drinks from different bars, and have our guy friends hold them. That way -- we all get free drinks :) Yayy!!
The crowd at Tao is older than it is at XS and Marquee from what I can remember. The music was top 40 I think, but it might change from night to night?
When I went over the summer, the lines were RIDICULOUS even when we got there at 9. When I went in November, though, it was way faster.
Ughh sorry I totally jumped from thought to thought in this review...
Definitely let me know if you guys need hookups at Tao! I know a great promoter who can set you guys up -- butttt only if you have girls in your group!!