| - Toooasstttttt.....
Drive up to the drive-thru like what up I want a chicken box.
With some extra toast. Toooasstt!
Here I was all excited, about the toast and all, and I pull up to the first window to pay and the cashier Sarah (I'm assuming it's Sarah cause, surprise, they put the name on the receipts) is snotty towards me. Ugh, what did I do to you chick, I just wanted some extra toast! She goes to hand me back my card without saying a word to me, but see's a coworker/friend on the other side of the parking lot and feels the need to shout REALLY LOUD to him, like "bye"or some shit. So in the mist of that she drops my card and just turns around to close the window. UH OK. Maybe if you didn't have those hideously obvious, fakeass colored-contact lenses in, you'd be able to see what the fuck you were doing and not drop my shit without so much an apology. You asshat.
Got to the other window, got my delicious food with my fucking extra toast that I fucking really wanted and was like fuck yes, and drove off.
Food wise, the chicken is good but if you're looking for a crispy country-fried version, this definitely ain't it, and the toast is obviously the best thing on the planet. The only thing I hate about this place is the french fries. They're those little wiggly, scrunchie shaped ones that remind me of the frozen shit they served in my elementary cafeteria. Blek. Toast is the best though for sure, and the only reason I even bother coming to this place.
You know I fucking love the toast if I'm dealing with little shithead teens to get it. YOOOOooooo