| - perhaps if you do a private lesson, have a child familiar with water, this place might be right for you. last sunday was our first experience, and our last. this location, perhaps it was the day/time, was way over crowded. the walkway along the pool was lined up w parents, kids, instructors. absolutely no place to walk and the restroom/changing area is back in a little corner behind all that, so you had to squeeze pass it all to get to it. in front of the bathrooms are the showers and storage for mats, making it even harder to maneuver with a toddler. there was no changing stalls or changing area for the kids and moms had all their bags on the one counter in the bathroom so you couldnt change a diaper properly if needed. the pool was packed. absolutely filled. so loud between instructors trying to explain and kids trying to learn. far too much going on for a 2yr that is brand to the whole thing. instructor was ok. there were 5-7 kids in the group. all except mine had been there and have done the exercises before. when it came to the first underwater lesson my son just wasnt having it. was clinging to my arm. i asked the instructor if he would just take him and do it, solely cuz i know my son acts better w someone else, and two, i was still unsure of the process and i could tell my son knew it as well. so asking the instructor to take him he responded w a sigh and roll of the eyes, as if i was bothering him. i then lost all interest in the class. if im asking for help for the first or second exercise that means im unsure of myself and still want my son to try. i was very upset by his reaction. we finished the class and again proceeded to the mess down the way to the restrooms. again, maybe private lessons or a diff day would be better for us. i am going to chk out another location as i have heard good things about this company in general & there arent many places in town to go to... we'll see how that goes.