Finally had my place cleaned and was incredibly disappointed. The woman was absolutely lovely but slow as can be. In 4 hours, she managed to do my two washrooms, my bedroom (just made the bed and dusted the countertops) and mopped the main areas. I expected much more within that timeframe (and other cleaning companies have gotten more done in that timeframe). What was most disappointing though was her carelessness. During the clean, I kept hearing loud bangs from the other room and I was so curious as to what she was doing but didn't want to be that person that watched over her shoulder. Once she left, I assessed the damage - she was so rough with my bathroom faucet that it actually broke - seriously, there's a loose piece and now the faucet drips (it never did before). She also was so rough when wiping my mirror frame, that small pieces of the frame were on my countertop (you would think she would notice and wipe them off but she left them there).
I contacted them right away about the leaky faucet and they got back to me asking for photographic evidence. Being that it's hard to photograph of a leaky faucet, I actually sent them a video which they said they would rather have. They initially said they would perhaps send their own plumber or handyman out instead of paying for me to get one - I said I was fine with this provided the problem was fixed. They haven't gotten back to me since I sent them the last email (I even sent a follow up email with no response). That was almost a week ago.
I really thought that the worst I would get out of this was a bad clean, but now I'm actually going to have to pay out of pocket for my faucet to be fixed, so this has just cost me more money.
I'm absolutely blown away at my repeated bad experiences with this company - I wish I had never let them in the door to begin with.