I've been more than I can remember.
I like the service every single time except for the most recent one which is yesterday, I don't know why every time I purchase the tickets online I only get the "booking info" email and not the actual tickets so where does that lead me? The kiosk to ask for my tickets, I mean no big deal it's just annoying that I have to go to the window instead of heading straight to get my food! Lol
Thank goodness the restrooms are nice and clean well the women's I don't know about the mens.
I really like this theater it's inexpensive too.
Just hope for the best that you don't get to sit with annoying Asians like every slow motion on dead pool which is a lot they do this "ohhh mmyyyyy goooodddd" or "sssooooo cooll" in slow mo voice too!!!! I'm Asian and I don't act like that just because I don't it will bother other people. We should all be considerate of others! And NEVER BRING AN INFANT TO ANY MOVIES PLEASE!!!
All in all yes screw all the other theaters in Vegas!!!!!