Quite expensive for what you get. Though the crack pie was the bomb :)
Soft Serve w/ lined with cereal (2.5/5): Hmmm I'm not sure what I was expecting... came indifferent and finished indifferent. The flavour of the soft serve is milk. It's not entirely sweet, more or less just what you'd expect milk in soft serve style to taste like (?). It tasted much better when its lined with the cereal. Now it's like having cereal in a soft serve fashion. It's really expensive for the size though, would not buy it again.
Crack pie (4/5): ... just buy this and eat it. It's super rich and super sweet. But it's quite addicting. Named appropriately. Would buy this again.
Cost (2/5): Expensive.... I paid just under $14 for a slice of crack pie and the soft serve lined with cereal. That's meal at a sit down restaurant... just saying.
Service (3/5): standard. You grab and go like a grocery store and pay at the cash. Though it does get a little confusing when you are waiting on the side for your soft serve and people are standing the same area waiting to get into the momofuku noodle bar. It's the best set up, but eh they get you the soft serve fairly quickly.
Will probably only come back for the crack pie :3