D'Amore's Famous Pizza,..I gave it 5 stars cause hell its open 24/7! and that means alot to 8 drunk guys stumbling back to the room after 4am every night!! Maybe it was the alcohol..? Maybe it was our stomachs growling and needing more then just crown & cokes..? All I'm saying is 8 of us ordered our pizza's, all of them different toppings and the service was fast and friendly even though we weren't! Once we sat down and begin to eat I realized that this pizza was so damn good NOBODY SPOKE A WORD! JUST STUFFED THEIR MOUTHS!...heck a few of us went back for seconds and thirds, so from that night on there where no less then 4 pizza boxes in our room EVERY NIGHT!!...SO THANK YOU D'AMOURE'S FAMOUS PIZZA FOR BEING OPEN, HOT, FRESH, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY QUICK IN SERVICE...I SALUTE YOU!!