We used Well Rounded Mama as a resource, doula, lactation and placenta encapsulation service for our first child. Ashley Zimmerman was our doula and she rocked! She was available for questions at anytime once we chose her. She was supportive, empathetic, caring, knowledgable, understanding and reliable. She anticipated our needs often times before we knew we even needed assistance. The birth of our son was smoother and easier because of her. I tell anyone who will listen about how great she is and that anyone pregnant needs her on their birth team. We also had Cherish as our student doula. Cherish was supportive, kind, and attentive.
We have gone to Well Rounded Mama's location a few times and appreciate the welcoming attitude and wealth of knowledge available at any time to answer questions. It's a go to place for anyone open to different birth options and postpartum support.