AWEFUL! My wife had a wisdom tooth pulled and the dentist told her she would not need antibiotics. Within 3 days we needed to go to the ER and she was admitted to the hospital with a severe infection of her saliva gland. About 36 hours later and being on constant IV steroids and IV antibiotics, they surgically went in through her neck and drained the infection (So a permanent scar). She stayed on IV antibiotics and liquid only diet for another 3 days before being discharged to an outpatient status. And a 10 day antibiotic perscription. When I called the dental office to inform them of this and state why we did not do a follow up yet, I was told that antibiotics weren't prescribed because not everyone needs them, everyone heals differently. The Hospital docs and ER docs all said she should have had antibiotics from the start because a wound was created in the mouth, one of the most bacteria infested place on the human body. And there is no doubt that it is the reason for this infection. Their lack of care is why I will never recommend them to anyone, and will never return.