Wow. Even with a new casino and hotel. This place is a dump. It is smoky and loud. The food is as tasteless as a school cafeteria. The gaming floor experience is a joke. When a jackpot is won, expect to wait over thirty minutes in order to get paid. Alcoholic regulars are allowed to roam the premises. The clientele is also creepy. You see working girls, transients and what you presume are addicted. people. The hotel is scary after dark. The same class of folks that roam the casino stay the night to ply their trade in the hotel. It seems like a long term trucker and transient motel. Lack or security and service are sure to frighten travelers. Do your sanity and security a favor and go elsewhere. Sorry, but it is the harsh reality of this place. Drive to Casino Arizona. All of these Gila River properties attract unsavory characters.