If you can deal with the fact that most of the other movie-goers sitting in the same theatre as you think that because they only paid a few bucks to get in they can talk through the entire movie, this is a pretty good place to catch a flick.
It's pretty typical that most people who attend shows at discount theatres don't have much respect for the "silence is golden" ideal. For some reason, paying LESS for a movie means they should have MORE privelages, such as sitting directly in front of you when every other seat in the place is empty.
But, rude and noisy patrons aside, and ignoring the fact that you have to see Michael Pollack's ugly mug every other slide during the pre-show ads, this is a great place to go see a movie. You pay about a third of what you would pay at a regular theatre, and they tend to get movies a lot faster than discount theatres used to. Whereas it used to take 9 months for a flick to hit the discount theatre, it now takes 3 or 4. Right now (late October) you can see movies that came out in July and later. Not to shabby if you ask me. Oh, and their kid's pack with an Icee upgrade...superb value for $2.50.