If I could give no stars I would. Iv purchased roughy 14 vehicles from dealerships in my life in a couple different states and this is by far the worst dealership with the least amount of integrity I have ever dealt with. Purchased a vehicle from here listed online at a certain price. I called to ask if it was still there and confirmed price. Once I arrived they decided to tell me that the price was 4,000 more and they made a mistake! Told me they were working a deal right then on the Internet with someone haha I called BS! I assured them I would not purchase the car then after going back and forth they said fine you get it for what we advertised... I asked That my credit not be run a bunch of times because it's not necessarily due to credit score being very high they assured me they would never do that however they had it ran 11 times dropping score 40 points!! During the car deal they agreed on replacing whether striping on driver side door which part cost $60.00 and they also agreed to a detail with wax and a half tank of gas. They then told me to come back for those services and that they could not put gas in car because there company card was not working. I said no big deal and they could do it when I brought it back. Dropped car off a week later. Hours went by then received a call from service saying that he was advised they would not do anything that they promised. I called sales manager and he told me that loan was picked up and they don't have to do what they promised! I said so your company lied to me?!?! He said "apparently you were" What!?!?? This is how you do business!?!? I hope the owner sees this and someone gets consequences for these actions! Didn't even give me my gas lol...