| - I've come by here a few times to check out audio equipment. The prices are...interesting, especially when you compare them to what you can online. Granted, you have to keep in mind that a lot of what you're paying for here are typically vintage refurbished items with a warranty (especially if it's turntables you're after, as I was), and so if it runs a bit more expensive, it's in part because you're paying for the item as well as the repairs that went into it. However, they have a ton of variety in terms of equipment. I'm, for example, a complete nerd about turntables. I found a lot of rare and beautiful 'tables here.
As far as repairs services go, they're pretty good and when they say something will be ready by a certain date, they mean it. From what I've seen, the price of their repairs cap at a certain price depending on what it is you need fixed (which in other words means they have a flat repair rate for whatever it is needs fixing because it's not like they're actually going to charge you less than their fixed rate). Depending on what exactly is wrong with what you're bringing in (a complicated electrical error vs probably just needing routine maintenance), you might wind up losing out in the end. Do your research, ask questions! They're more than willing to answer them and they treat your items with the utmost care.