I've used the online ordering system for this location 3 times. Twice they did not receive my order information. Very inconvenient when you are trying to make a quick stop before work but you have to wait because you've already paid online!! This time I felt bad for the poor kid who was working by himself and was having a busy night (as he said). Plus the fact he had to tell multiple people he was out of certain items. He seemed to handle the stress well and even though I was upset had to tell him to hang in there. Wrote a complaint to corporate...online...let's see if they get it. SMH.
UPDATE-Response from Corporate:
My name is Meggan and I am the area director for the Subway at Vistancia in Peoria.
I wanted to thank you for your customer care comment so we can improve our system.
I am very sorry the last two times you have ordered from our online ordering the store has not had any record of it and it was not ready for you when you arrived.
We have now made it to where the store receives the order on the register as well as in email. The employees at this location will be coached on how to double check if any order was received if it does not pop up on the screen .
Again- I am very sorry about the inconvenience of the orders not coming through. I would love if you could give our store another chance.
Please let me know if there is else I can do for you.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Meggan Sweeney
Area Director
Yawbus, Inc.
8674 East San Alberto Drive
Scottsdale, Arizona 85258
C:(623) 628-1946
F:(480) 675-0555