Wow here we go again. I would give them negative stars if it was an option. 6 weeks after I called them to let them know they did not deliver my items to my second big event and canceling it an hour after it was to be delivered. They did this exact same thing to me 6 months before. Sorry I gave them a second chance even after I explained to them when I was ordering what happen. I let them know that they had better never send a sales guy to my door again. I will not contribute to a company that has the poorest customer service I have ever experienced and to send the poor sales guy to my door it uncalled for, they are putting their employees in the line of fire. They were to note on my account to never send some here again and ever sence i have them show up every two weeks. Good thing I understand it is not that poor sales guy fault he works for such terrible company and send him on his way. Hopefully they will get smart and cancel my account and stop sending someone.