I don't understand all the negativity about this place. My boyfriend and I bought season passes from Groupon and decided to go check it out today. We both agreed that we liked it a lot better than Wet N' Wild. It's relaxing, fun, and just very chill. We loved the whole 40s/50s theme. The Lazy River was really nice and it was a lot wider than the one at WNW. Also, there were more sprayers, so more chances to get soaked or have your boyfriend push you under lol. Only downside is there are some rocks and dirt at one point during the river on the side, which isn't that pretty to look at, but we didn't mind it. The three slides are so much fun. We were disappointed we couldn't ride the pink slide together, but it wasn't bad! The yellow slide was our favorite! The wave pool was INSANE. I'd say a bit dangerous because of all the kids that run into you when the waves get huge, but it was really fun! I love that you're able to get a hand stamp and leave and come back later. We went and got food elsewhere because we didn't want any of theirs (not in the mood for it!). The staff were nice and funny, and we weren't getting run over by children like we do at WNW. I'm giving it five stars and not four because I really really enjoyed my time there. All the beautification were cute and the park was clean. We had so much fun, and we can't wait to go back!