Went there for my birthday! SUPER FUN (I ADVICE EVERYONE TO GO EARLY for good seats!)
I loved it there. It was everything I was expecting and more. Cheap prices and cheap snacks. $6 for LARGE popcorn. My bf and I initially wanted to go to watch one movie which was Suicide Squad. They charged us $26 dollars in total for two of us ($13 for one person)...looking at the receipt we were a bit confused at first, but saw that we were actually watching THREE movies. 1) Suicide Squad, 2) War Dogs, 3) Lights Out. (A special going on) We were both totally down to binge watch since it was a Saturday. There are 15 mins of intermission between each switch of movies. There are three big screens which all rotate in various movies. So go on their website and pick your choices!
It was such a fun summer activity to go with friends, family and loved ones. I did not know you were supposed to bring camping chairs which alot of people did and even blankets! But sitting in the car is obviously an option too. I mean I insisted in staying in the car hoping to stay with it's ambiance and theme". We both enjoyed it so much. Very vintage and retro absolutely what I saw in the movies and I loved how they kept it that way in their intros. If you are going I would suggest think no more! :)
p.s. don't put on high beams during the movies...it is not very nice to your fellow car neighbors!